Windows 11 Start Menu Styler
Customize the start menu with themes contributed by others or create your own
118,067 users
Taskbar height and icon size
Control the taskbar height and icon size, improve icon quality (Windows 11 only)
91,611 users
Windows 11 Taskbar Styler
Customize the taskbar with themes contributed by others or create your own
92,885 users
Windows 11 Notification Center Styler
Customize the Notification Center with themes contributed by others or create your own
46,987 users
Taskbar Volume Control
Control the system volume by scrolling over the taskbar
31,827 users
Better file sizes in Explorer details
Optional improvements: show folder sizes, use MB/GB for large files (by default, all sizes are shown in KBs), use IEC terms (such as KiB instead of KB)
28,263 users
Taskbar Clock Customization
Customize the taskbar clock: define a custom date/time format, add a news feed, customize fonts and colors, and more
25,903 users
Slick Window Arrangement
Make window arrangement more slick and pleasant with a sliding animation and snapping
15,601 users
Taskbar Labels for Windows 11
Customize text labels and combining for running programs on the taskbar (Windows 11 only)
14,875 users
Middle click to close on the taskbar
Close programs with a middle click on the taskbar instead of creating a new instance
12,925 users
Modernize Folder Picker Dialog
Replaces the classic "Browse For Folder" dialog
12,400 users
Disable grouping on the taskbar
Causes a separate button to be created on the taskbar for each new window
11,416 users
Taskbar tray system icon tweaks
Allows hiding system icons (volume, network, battery), the bell (always or when there are no new notifications), and the "Show desktop" button (Windows 11 only)
10,741 users
Taskbar Thumbnail Reorder
Reorder taskbar thumbnails with the left mouse button
8,533 users
Dark Mode for Notepad
The missing dark mode theme for Notepad
7,746 users
Chrome/Edge scroll tabs with mouse wheel
Use the mouse wheel while hovering over the tab bar to switch between tabs
7,509 users
Taskbar tray icon spacing
Reduce or increase the spacing between tray icons on the taskbar (Windows 11 only)
7,495 users
Classic context menu on Windows 11
Always show the classic context menu without having to select "Show More Options" or hold Shift
7,336 users
Vertical Taskbar for Windows 11
Finally, the missing vertical taskbar option for Windows 11! Move the taskbar to the left or right side of the screen.
5,608 users
Taskbar on top for Windows 11
Moves the Windows 11 taskbar to the top of the screen
5,196 users
No Focus Rectangle
Removes the focus rectangle
4,785 users
Click on empty taskbar space
Trigger custom action when empty space on a taskbar is double/middle clicked
4,414 users
Turn off change file extension warning
When a file is renamed and its extension is changed, a confirmation warning appears, this mod turns it off
4,389 users
Dark mode context menus
Enables dark mode for all win32 menus.
4,341 users
Classic Explorer navigation bar
Restores the classic Explorer navigation bar to the version before the Windows 11 "Moments 4" update
4,172 users
Open With - Remove Microsoft Store Menu Item
Removes the "Search with Microsoft Store" menu item from the "Open with" submenu
3,959 users
Taskbar auto-hide when maximized
Makes the taskbar auto-hide only when a window is maximized or intersects the taskbar
4,288 users
Show all apps by default in start menu
When the Windows 11 start menu is opened, show all apps right away
3,125 users
Customize Windows notifications placement
Move notifications to another monitor or another corner of the screen
2,890 users
Better Taskbar Autohide
Allow taskbar autohide when inactive window notified
2,760 users
Classic Explorer navigation bar
Restores the classic Explorer navigation bar to the version before the Windows 11 "Moments 4" update

Classic Explorer navigation bar

Restores the classic Explorer navigation bar to the version before the Windows 11 "Moments 4" update.

Note: You may need to restart Explorer to apply the changes.

The new Windows "Moments 4" update version:

Moments 4 screenshot

After installing this mod, with the "Classic navigation bar" configuration:

Classic navigation bar screenshot

After installing this mod, with the "Classic ribbon UI (no tabs)" configuration:

Classic ribbon UI (no tabs) screenshot